l/r, Chief Sam Bass, Jack Bliss, Barrie Kee, Fire Chief "Pearlie" Riner, blank, blank, Richard Davidson, Ken Mulling, blank, Ed Jones, Mrs. Holzhausen?, blank, Nick Trifiletti, Det. Mike Grimm, Dave Dampier, Det. Gary Young, C.H. Dasher. (Where's Sgt. Spohn?).
This was back in the day when juveniles who got "out of line" risked a visit to Judge Stanley.
Please no derogatory remarks as I will delete them.
I am not sure of the date of this photo but it must have been in the late 60's or early 70's. I know that Fire Chief Pearly Riner retired around the mid 70's. I fellow by the name of Evans who was out of Miami replaced him but passed away shortly after taking the job. Norris Ijams was the next fire chief and he lasted until around 1989-1990.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the cops go I have to agree with the ones that you mentioned. As for the others I am not sure at this point either. A number of those officers (Kee, Davidson, Dampier and Mulling) actually were with the department into the 80's.
Gary Young became Chief then moved on to the Sheriff's Office. Sam BAss also ended up working at CCSO in the end. I remember his country band that use to play at various events around town.
I just notied that your caption stated "early 60's". So my guess is wrong.
ReplyDeleteIs Officer Bob Woodell guest censor?
ReplyDeletePersonally, I loved the Naples Police Department.
Crocket and Tibbs in Miami Vicer were based on Barry Kee and Gary Young.
-----R. Williams, Jr. Deputy
I was one of the lucky ones to have a visit to Judge Stanley. The case in front of me was a poacher and the defendant said, "But Judge! You and me was doing the same thing last weekend!" Judge Stanley leaned back in his chair and said, "Well, don't do as I do. Do as I say." I knwe I was in trouble!
ReplyDeleteOh Lord! I had to go in front of judge Stanley too. Charged with not wearing my glasses while driving (a horrendous offense,I know) but still, he just HAD to show me his famous gory photos of accident scenes from when he was the county cororner. "Young lady, do you see that thing up against the steering wheel? Do you know what it is? Most people say it's a comic book. Well, it's a CHILD'S LUNCHBOX!!!" I'm scarred for life!
ReplyDeleteIf memory serves me right, didn't Judge Stanley get busted for "DWI" in the early 70's? (as they used to call it back then, as opposed to DUI now)
ReplyDeleteSH would know...
Circle 3
ReplyDeleteI can’t say with any certainty whether your recall is valid, but I can say that if a person didn’t get some sort of “driving while ability impaired” back then, they were either not playing very hard or were incredibly lucky . . . .
Just think of how many times you (or someone you know), may have gotten behind the wheel and made it home without seeing the “Christmas-tree” in the mirror.
You may recall that “back in the day”, when there wasn’t much conscience, just two cocktails would at least get you an impaired. I have first-hand experience (and it certainly involves more than two cocktails).
So to answer your question, refer to paragraph one.
Seagate Homeboy
NHS Class of ‘67
11:50 p.m. PST
Were a tournament, seeded like Wimbledon, took place to determine the biggest most dangerous badass who ever lived in Collier County, Good or Evil, who would you put in the tournament? I'd have JUdge Stanley seeded pretty high. East Naples' Stanley Barrs would be in the equation. River Park's Frank Blackmon and Tim Muldrow, very strong.
ReplyDeleteFrank Blackmon and Tim Muldrow are out of the tournament unfortunately......
ReplyDeleteAll Time - Dead or Alive, should be the condition book. Of course, Frank is out early if he is seeded in the same bracket with Barry Key. Where would this event take place. The old High Point Country Club or the old Howard Johnson's Motel are appropriate, no? Mrs. Waples' killer ought to be given a bye into the second round.
ReplyDeleteVic & Gill, Naples First *** Couple
Paul McGee, representing East Naples, the Seminole Nation, and the Collier County Sheriff Dept vs Ida of Ida Lee's BBQ.
ReplyDeleteLeonard Chesser, in or out of his race car or swampbuggy. He was my childhood hero. For a long time I never saw him out of his crash helmet. He won a feature at the Speedway, and he took his helmet off and held it out the window for the victory lap. I ran down to the fence to see what he looked like when he returned the flag to the flagman. My hero: picking his nose in Roman Emperor profile.
ReplyDelete===Land Yacht Harbor Vandalboy===
One of the officers in this photo was my uncle. I have seen a few of these photos taken with the officers standing out front of the station, most in earlier days, but this one I had not seen before. Thanks for posting. MO
ReplyDeleteMy brother Dennis had to take a trip to Judge Stanley & ended up spending time in Marianna...all for not wanting to go to school.
ReplyDeletePearlie Riner was my Great Uncle