The Anchor Lounge was a small but rowdy bar that sat at the northwest corner of 3rd Ave South & 41 where the CVS drugstore sits today. A classic old Florida butt kicking bar that was painted along the top with happy dancing feet around the entire building. It had wood floors & on a good night the place would rumble & vibrate with all the dancing going on. It's one of those places that has seemed to disappear without a trace I can't find a good picture of it anywhere. This appears to be the only piece left of it which is totally cool its a key chain & on the back is a spring loaded dime holder. I guess it was for a call home if you were too drunk to make it there. Only problem is I don't know if there was phone booths around back then. Closest one might be the telephone company on 5th Ave South but I'm not sure that existed when this key chain was around. I've never heard of this key chain all of these years a good friend gave it to me which I'll keep with me until I move permanently to 111th Avenue North.
Anchor Drive-In Liquors
294 Tamiami Trail South
Phone # MIdway 2-2954
Key chain courtesy Marvin Lightner Jr.
i worked at the anchor - day bartender - nice quiet day crowd but kick-as at night. Don't rremember key chain but many good memories about patrons.